Be Chill
The Be-Chill boxspring pack has been put together with a focus on creating a quality sleep solution at a very competitive price. This boxspring set is available in both a fixed version with 25cm-high bonell springs and an electrically adjustable version with 30cm-high pocket springs. Interested in the electrical version? Find a Revor-Dealer near you.
The Be-Chill boxspring pack is combined with the ergonomic 7 zone pocket spring mattress Be-Chill and the matching headboards: Be Chill, Reverso and Eclipse. The box is then finished with the BE leg and in a fabric colour or leather look of your choice.

1. Your boxspring
The Be Chill
The Be Chill box spring pack offers a high-quality sleep solution with excellent value for money. Available in a fixed version with 25 cm high bonnell springs or an electrically adjustable version with 30 cm high pocket springs.
2. Your headboard
With the Be Chill boxspring set, you have a choice of 3 types of headboards, the Be-Chill headboard, the Reverso headboard or the Eclipse headboard. All the headboards are available in 2 options, this can either be as wide as the boxspring or you can choose an XL version with a stylish oversizing of 10cm on both sides.
3. Which legs
To make it as simple as possible, the Be Chill box spring pack is always combined with the Be leg. These 12cm high legs are timeless and are available in 3 colours: Naturel, Grey Oak and Wengé. The legs always come in sets of 4 per bed surface.
4. Which mattress?
The Be Chill boxspring pack is combined with the Chill mattress. This 7 zone pocket spring mattress has 300 springs and has a comfort layer of 3cm hybrid foam above and below the spring core.