5 tips for a cool night's sleep during the summer

During the summer days, it can sometimes be a bit more difficult to fall asleep at night after sweating all day. Therefore, we are happy to share the following tips for a cool night's sleep during these warm days and nights.

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Vrouw die op haar bed ligt

Banish all possible sources of heat from the bedroom

Many people charge their phones in the bedroom at night, spend some time on their laptops in bed, or read a book using a nightlight. However, all these devices, including that glowing lamp, emit heat. It's smarter to use the bedroom only for sleeping during warm summer days.

Put your sheets in the fridge

There's nothing more wonderful than a cool blanket or pillow on a warm summer night. So, put your sheets or pillows in a plastic bag and then in the fridge or freezer. They won't stay cool all night, but you'll fall asleep feeling refreshed.

Hang a (cold) damp cloth in front of the open window

No fan in the house? No problem. Crack open your window and leave the bedroom door open to allow fresh air to come in. Wet a cloth with cold water and hang it in front of the open window. The moist cloth will cool down the air coming in from outside. This also works with a fan; place some frozen bottles of water in front of your fan, and the air will feel cooler.

Wear a pair of wet socks

Still too warm? Wear a pair of wet socks to fall asleep. It may take some getting used to, but it will definitely give you a cooler feeling.

Use a ventilating mattress

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